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Combining Neurofeedback with Psychedelic-Assisted Therapy

The field of psychedelic-assisted therapy is gaining recognition for its profound power in facilitating transformative experiences and promoting mental well-being. At Thrive Neurofeedback, our primary goal is to enhance the mental, emotional, and spiritual state of our clients. By combining neurofeedback with psychedelic therapy, we can provide a synergistic effect, maximizing the healing benefits of both modalities to achieve optimal outcomes. Through experience, EEG brain scans, and neuroscientific research, we have found that neurofeedback therapy enhances the effectiveness of psychedelic therapy in powerful ways.


Why Neurofeedback Pairs Well with Psychedelic Therapy

Enhancing Self-Regulation and Emotional Resilience: Neurofeedback training helps individuals develop better self-regulation and emotional capacity and resilience, crucial for navigating the intense and often unpredictable experiences induced by psychedelics. By improving the brain's ability to manage stress and regulate emotions, neurofeedback creates a stable internal environment, essential for handling the profound psychological insights and emotional experiences that psychedelics often bring about.


Improving Focus and Cognitive Function: Neurofeedback has been shown to improve cognitive functions such as attention, memory, and executive control. These improvements can enhance a person's ability to stay focused and engaged during a psychedelic session, facilitating a more intentional, gentle and productive therapeutic process. By training the brain to maintain optimal levels of neural activity, individuals will experience less resistance and can better integrate and process the insights gained during their psychedelic experiences.


Creating a Safe and Receptive State: Prepping with neurofeedback can help reduce anxiety and prepare the brain for deeper, more transformative psychedelic experiences. By calming the mind and increasing comfort within oneself, neurofeedback allows individuals to approach their psychedelic journey with a sense of safety and openness, reducing the likelihood of challenging or overwhelming experiences.



"I've been using psychedelics therapeutically for a few years and thought neurofeedback would be a great complement to that. I'm noticing significant improvement in my anxiety and ADHD and my work with psychedelics has never been more profound. I am uncovering more early childhood trauma and going deeper into those experiences than ever"



Brain Mapping for Psychedelic-Assisted Readiness

We offer qEEG brain mapping to assess if you are a good candidate for psychedelic therapy and suggest which psychedelics may be the best fit for you. Brain mapping provides a detailed picture of your brain's activity, helping to tailor a plan that aligns with your specific needs and goals.


How Neurofeedback Prepares the Brain for Psychedelic-Assisted Therapy

Balancing Brainwave Activity: Neurofeedback targets specific brainwave frequencies associated with different states of consciousness and cognitive functions. By training individuals to produce more optimal brainwave patterns, such as increasing alpha waves for relaxation, theta waves for accessing the subconscious and beta waves for capacity and focus, neurofeedback helps stabilize the brain’s electrical activity. This balance is crucial for managing the heightened sensory and emotional experiences during psychedelic therapy.


Enhancing Neural Plasticity: Neurofeedback promotes neuroplasticity, the brain’s ability to reorganize itself by forming new neural connections. This enhanced plasticity makes the brain more adaptable and better able to integrate new experiences and insights. During psychedelic therapy, increased neuroplasticity facilitates deeper processing of therapeutic experiences and supports lasting behavioral and emotional changes.


Improving Functional Connectivity: Neurofeedback enhances functional connectivity between different brain regions, vital for coherent brain function and cognitive flexibility. Improved connectivity ensures that various parts of the brain can communicate more effectively, enhancing the depth and integration of experiences during and after psychedelic sessions. This connectivity supports a more holistic processing of therapeutic insights, leading to more profound and integrated healing.


Regulating the Default Mode Network (DMN): The Default Mode Network (DMN) is a network of brain regions associated with self-referential thinking and the sense of self. Dysregulation of the DMN is often linked to mental health issues such as depression and anxiety. Neurofeedback can help regulate the activity of the DMN, reducing its dominance and allowing for a more open, less ego-focused state of consciousness. This regulation is particularly beneficial during psychedelic therapy, where an overactive DMN can hinder the therapeutic process.


Reducing Anxiety and Stress: By training the brain to achieve more stable and desirable brainwave patterns, neurofeedback significantly reduces anxiety and stress levels. Lower anxiety levels help create a more receptive and calm mental state, essential for the often intense experiences during psychedelic therapy. This reduction in stress can make it easier for individuals to surrender to the therapeutic process, facilitating deeper emotional and psychological healing.


Supporting Integration Post Therapy

The integration phase is critical in psychedelic therapy, where the insights and experiences from the session are processed and incorporated into daily life. Neurofeedback aids this process by helping to consolidate new neural pathways and reinforcing the psychological and emotional changes initiated during the psychedelic experience. This helps ensure that the benefits of the therapy are sustained and translated into lasting personal growth and healing.


We recommend continuing neurofeedback for several sessions after psychedelic journeys. We can offer neurofeedback protocols that are tailored to guide you into a deep meditative state, catalyzing real integration of the medicine work. Neurofeedback helps to couple and consolidate the new neural pathways formed during your medicinal journey, strengthening them and promoting lasting changes. 

Post-journey, neurofeedback aids in integrating and completing the healing process. By accessing alpha-theta states, individuals can dip back into medicine-induced states lightly and safely, facilitating subconscious reprogramming. Transcendental healing meditation sessions, ranging from 45 minutes to several hours to further support the completion of the journey.



I jumped into psychedelics without much knowledge or preparation. I was left feeling really anxious, dysregulated and with a lot that came up to process.  I found neurofeedback at Thrive and with their help I was able to fully reset my nervous system, integrate the medicine work and honestly after only about 20 neurofeedback sessions I am more grounded and doing better than ever. I experienced a couple neuro sessions where everything "clicked" and I had beautiful release and awakenings"

                                                     T. R.


Personalized Plans for Microdosing and Neurofeedback

For those who desire to explore psychedelics at a leisurely pace or feel they need extra expansion post journey, neurofeedback can guide your brain into optimal meditative and introspective states while microdosing. This is not traditional facilitation but rather a passive process in which neurofeedback gently guides your brain into a more relaxed and open state, allowing emotions, thoughts, and feelings to flow and shift naturally and without resistance. Clients are welcome to choose to combine microdosing with neurofeedback sessions. Discuss with our experienced practitioners to create a plan that maximizes the benefits of your psychedelic explorations.


Partnership with Local Facilitators

We partner with fantastic local psychedelic facilitators. If you need support finding a guide for your journey, we encourage you to explore our Wellness Partners page or give us a call for another recommendation. To meet our psychedelic facilitator click here.



Comprehensive Healing with Neurofeedback

Neurofeedback helps prepare the brain by clearing anxiety and surface-level concerns, priming the brain for a deeper journey. It allows individuals to let go, relax, and immerse in the psychedelic experience with more ease and less resistance, resulting in a deeper and more profound healing process.




For more information or to schedule a consultation, contact Thrive Neurofeedback Center today.

Mushrooms Close-Up

Psychedelic & Medicinal Therapy Preparation & Integration

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